Overhead Glazing
Containment of Glazing Fragmentation in the event of failure of glazing in the Overhead Position can be achieved in numerous ways depending on the individual site circumstances.
Consideration must always be given to design loadings and maximum potential weight of Overhead Glazing allowing for additional load due to snow fall and or wind load. The particular glazing system design in this instance is that the two longer sides are retained within the rebate of the glazing system using neoprene type pressure gaskets with the two shorter sides remaining unclamped and supported by neoprene type spacers.
The larger single pane sizes are approximately 1m x 3m and are of Heat Treated Toughened Tinted Glass of 8mm thickness thus the approximate glazing weight is calculated at 60kg per pane.
CL175micron (7mil) Dual Ply Laminate Safety Film Certified to BS6206 Class A (4 + 6mm Float/Annealed), BS EN 12600 Class 1b (4 + 6mm Float/Annealed) and BS EN 356: 2000 Level P1A (6mm Float/Annealed) & Level P2A (6.8mm Laminate) applied to the full face of the glazing in conjunction with an appropriate Edge Retention System Bonded to the face of the Window Film and preferably both Bonded and Mechanically Fixed to the Glazing System Rebate will provide Glass Fragmentation Containment and greatly reduce the risk of injury to the public directly below by preventing glass fragments falling to the floor.
The design parameters would be to retain the glazing in position for a minimum period of 72 hours to allow operatives to safely remove the failed glass panel(s) and replace accordingly
We have included some digital photography of these products under test conditions but would stress that should a decision be taken to adopt this method of protection that a trial panel in-situ be tested to destruction as a matter of assurance of performance.
Click here to download the overhead glazing technical information