Security, Safety & Bomb Blast Protection
FilmShield install a range of Safety and Security WindowFilms. These films are tested to BS6206 Class A and B and upgrade sub-standard glazing to meet the requirements of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992 - and Regulation 14 1996. Safety and Security Films are also specified to provide solutions to many other glass related safety problems including bomb blast protection.features
- Upgrade sub-standard glazing
- Protects against deliberate attack
- Glass Fragmentation Containment
- Reduces ultraviolet Radiation
- Scratch resistant
- Meet HSE legislation for Safety Glazing
- Increased glazing security
- Anti-shatter & bomb blast protection
- Protects against fading
- Protects the product
- Windows
- Structural glazing
- Glazed partitions
- Rooflights
- Curtain Walling
- Glass Exteriors
- Conservatory & Atrium Roofs
Click here to download the Filmsheet UK Bombblast Test technical Information
Solutions for Security
- Measures that reduce damage of any potential terrorist activity
- Protection of company assets against theft and vandalism
Bomb Blast Protection
Buildings close to a potential terrorist target may still be subject to substantial damage from an attack not specifically directed at them. Damage can often be more widespread and costly than first thought. Complete technical systems may have to be overhauled due to glass fragments contaminating computers and fittings. After the Manchester bomb of 1996, 670 businesses were forced to relocate.
According to Home Office figures, flying glass causes 90% of all injuries in an explosion. These projectiles can travel at up to 40 metres per second. 3M Scotchshield Security Film will not prevent glass breaking, but it will stop it travelling any significant distance, thus helping to provide the following benefits:
- Reduced Personal Injury
- Reduced Collateral Damage
- Protection of Expensive Business Assets and Important Documents
- Ease of Clear Up - Reduced Expensive Business Downtime
Scotchshield Security Film can halve the distance that a building's glazing is safe from a lorry bomb to just 100 metres.